Life is a never-ending, fascinating inner journey straight to your heart. It is where our deepest desires, greatest fears, and enormous power lie. Music has always been my way of expressing myself, my emotions, and my thoughts. Sometimes, in difficult times, I am not aware of how much is really going on inside me until I sit down at the piano and let my thoughts and emotions be translated into music.

Since 2018, I have been regularly attending circles and personal development workshops for women. This inner journey resulted in new songs that are a testimony to my internal transformation and my inner search. The more I got to know myself, the more I kept listening to my female inner voice – the call of the free, strong woman inside me who had begun to awaken again.

On my way, I have met many inspiring women who, like me, heard the call within themselves and began to consciously (re)discover their feminine nature.

For me, conscious femininity has many faces:

A conscious woman is a source of love, softness, and inspiration.

A conscious woman knows her boundaries and defends them like a lioness.

A conscious woman trusts her instincts.

A conscious woman explores her inner light and shadow.

A conscious woman knows that her main source of self-esteem, strength, and energy for creation is herself.

A conscious woman, connecting with her true nature, “receives a gift – an eternal, inner, wise guard; a visionary, an oracle, an inspiration, an intuition, an agent, a creator, an inventor, and finally, an attentive listener who guides, prompts, and convinces to enjoy life to the fullest in the external and internal world.” (1995; p.20, She Runs with the Wolves, Clarissa Pinkola Estes).

In my song “Zew Natury” and on the album “Kropla,” through words and music I recount discovering this conscious femininity and my inner journey.