1.General information

  1. This policy applies to the Website, operating at the following url address: kashiavega.com
  2. The operator of the website and the administrator of personal data is: Katarzyna Rezza Vega, c/o W. Weber Coburger Str. 19 14612 Falkensee.
  3. Operator’s email contact address: management@kashiavega.com
  4. The Operator is the Administrator of your personal data in relation to the data provided voluntarily on the Website.


  • Administrator – Katarzyna Rezza Vega, c/o W. Weber Coburger Str. 19 14612 Falkensee.
  • User – any natural person whose personal data is processed by the Administrator.
  • Personal data – all information about an identified or identifiable natural person, as well as the IP of the device, location data, online identifier and information collected through cookies and other similar technology.
  • RODO / GDPR / DSGVO – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.
  • Website – an IT solution located at the kashiavega.com Internet address, which consists of, among others, a complex of services provided electronically to users.
  • Processing of personal data – any operations performed on personal data, such as collecting, recording, storing, developing, changing, making available and deleting, and in particular those performed in IT systems.
  • Personal Data Breach – A breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored, or otherwise processed.

3.Web hosting

The website is hosted (technically maintained) on the operator’s servers: dhosting

4.Acceptance of the privacy policy

By visiting, browsing, or otherwise using any services or information created, collected, developed, or submitted to the administrator, you agree to the following terms and conditions of the privacy and service policy. If you do not accept the administrator’s privacy policy, your only option is not to view and otherwise use the administrator’s services. These Terms and Conditions constitute a legally binding agreement between the User and the Administrator, and the use of the Website implies the unambiguous acceptance of this agreement, which you hereby acknowledge, accept and acknowledge.

5.Personal data and pursose of collection

The Controller ensures the protection of the user’s privacy and the processing of personal data, with standards at least corresponding to the standards set out in the GDPR.

The User may provide his/her personal data to the administrator using forms available on the website, such as the contact form or by sending an e-mail.

The controller of your personal data is the controller.

The Administrator guarantees the confidentiality of any personal data provided to him. Providing data is always voluntary, but necessary for the user to take the action for which the form is intended.

Personal data is collected with due diligence and adequately protected against access by unauthorized persons.

Personal data is not transferred to third countries or international organizations.

Personal data may be entrusted and processed by other entities in order to perform specific services at the request of the administrator, in particular services: Google Inc. for data analysis purposes.

In accordance with Article 4(4) of the GDPR, data may be profiled.

In accordance with the GDPR – the User has the right to:

  • request access to your data, rectification, deletion or restriction of processing,
  • Beinganonymous
  • objecttotheprocessing,
  • rectification and portability of data,
  • withdraw consent to the processing of personal data for a specific purpose, if the User has previously given such consent,
  • lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority in connection with the processing of personal data by the Administrator.
  • be notified of a data breach,

6.Information in forms

  1. The website collects information provided voluntarily by the user, including personal data, if provided.
  2. The website may save information about the connection parameters (time stamp, IP address).
  3. In some cases, the website may save information that makes it easier to link the data in the form with the e-mail address of the user filling in the form. In this case, the user’s email address appears inside the url of the page containing the form.
  4. The data provided in the form are processed for the purpose resulting from the function of a specific form, e.g. in order to process a service request or commercial contact, register services, etc. Each time, the context and description of the form clearly informs what it is used for.

7.Period of data processing

Personal data is processed for the period necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected.

Personal data is processed only for the purpose of handling requests submitted via the contact form available on our website. This data will not be used for any other purpose or passed on to third parties. We store it for the time necessary to process your request and possibly contact you later.


The Administrator uses cookies, i.e. small text information stored on the User’s end device (e.g. computer, tablet, smartphone). Cookies can be read by the Administrator’s ICT system.The Administrator stores cookies on the User’s end device and then obtains access to the information contained therein for statistical purposes, for marketing purposes and to ensure the proper operation of the Website.The Administrator hereby informs the User that it is possible to configure the web browser in such a way that it is impossible to store cookies on the device User’s end language. In such a situation, the User’s use of the Website may be hindered. The Administrator hereby indicates that cookies may be deleted by the User after they have been saved by the Administrator, through appropriate functions of the web browser, programs used for this purpose or by using appropriate tools available within the operating system used by the User.

9.Administrator logs

Information about users’ behavior on the site may be subject to logging. This data is used for the purpose of administering the website.

10.Other technology

The Administrator hereby informs the user that it uses the following technologies to track the activities undertaken by the user on the website:

  • Our website uses Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager. Web analytics services and tools provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your device. This is helpful in analysing how the website is used by the users of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address, using the “_anonymizeIp()” method) The data is transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. This information is used by Google to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports for website operators and to provide services relating to website activity. Google may also transfer this data to third parties. It does so only if required to do so by law, or if third parties process such information on behalf of Google, Inc. Google , Inc. does not associate the user’s IP address with other data held by Google , Inc. The user may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on their browser, but should note that in this case it may be difficult or impossible to use the full functionality of this website. By using the website, you consent to the processing of data by Google, Inc. in the manner and for the purposes specified above. Google, Inc.’s privacy policy can be found at www.google.com/intl/pl/policies/privacy/.
  • YouTube videos embedded in the page. When the user plays such recordings, cookies from Google LLC are used for the YouTube service.

11.Final provisions

The Administrator reserves the right to change this privacy policy from time to time, at its own discretion and without prior notice. Changes to the privacy policy will be made to increase the standards of protection of the privacy policy and become effective on the date they are posted, and your continued use of the kashiavega.com after any changes have been made constitutes your agreement to be bound by them.

If we change the privacy policy, all changes will be added to the above provision. The most current version of the privacy policy will always be posted on the above page.